It was an honor to work with director Torsten Hoffman on this hour long documentary exploring the nature and history of money, and how Bitcoin fits into the world of modern finance. As an enthusiast, I am always seeking out Bitcoin-related projects that need audio work, and this film has been on my radar since their Kickstarter was funded last year. If you've never given any thought to where our money comes from, what it's real value is, or who decides what it's worth, this is a good premier for you. If you've heard about Bitcoin but don't "get the point of it," this documentary will illustrate how much something like Bitcoin is needed today! Featuring interviews with a ton of the greatest minds in the space, this film has been highly anticipated in the community.
The film is already screening at film festivals around the world, picking up laurels and recognition. Learn more at the film's website: You can watch the trailer below, or click the "purchase" button to watch the full program on Vimeo. You can also buy the movie with Bitcoin! Click here to buy with Bitcoin on